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I have a custom currency field on the detail page which takes the price value of the asset we have. Now, when i save the record and after that the detail page of my record is loaded. I don’t see the symbol (in my case “$” is the symbol) of ORG’S Default currency. 

Were you able to resolve this?

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Currency Change is not reflecting in Skuid. The currency change in the Salesforce Org is not reflected in the Skuid UI.This leads to inconsistent currencies as visual-force pages show new currency and the Skuid UI shows old currency.

I have also posted on an existing converstaion( but haven’t got any reply on it, so posting again.

Skuid version that is being used is 8.15.15


Can you give some more details about how you changed currency and the issues you saw, as well as what your Skuid page looks like that isn’t reflecting the changes? I was able to create a Skuid detail page that showed a currency field, and it correctly displayed the currency I had set up in Salesforce. I then changed the default currency in Salesforce, returned to my Skuid page, refreshed the page, and saw the updated currency. When I created a new record after that it also displayed the correct currency.



I’m not sure if you’re still experiencing this problem, but if so, can you give some more details about your detail page? I created a basic detail page with a custom field and it displayed the currency correctly. Kind of silly, but can you also check on your detail page that the currency field’s metadata is specified as currency?



I was able to change the currencies in salesforce from English to Japanese and found that the symbol changed from $ to ¥. However, in salesforce, this does not convert the number from $10 dollars to ¥3.14 or whatever. It just changes from $10 to ¥10. Skuid can only show what changes in salesforce. We don’t convert the numbers on the page without custom javascript applied at the page level. Upon testing, I found that Skuid is accurately bringing in what salesforce shows. I believe it is the expected behavior.

I’m trying to find the functionality in salesforce to try and accomplish this conversion so that $10 would change to ¥3.14 but I haven’t found that documentation yet. If you find it, please post it.

Did this address your issue?

Hi Amy,

I created a new org and unpacked my skuid pages and then changed the currency to INR for that org. However it still is showing $ in skuid page.

If you want I can provide you access to the org. It would be really very helpful if you can take a look. 


The currency field that i have is also displaying the $ symbol. i don’t have problem with it.


It turns out this is a bug in Skuid dealing with the INR currency. We’ve notified our developers of it, and we’ll let you know when a release is out that fixes this issue. 


Thanks Amy. 

Amy, Is this fix out yet?

is any Update about this? we are facing same issue with $

Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion! Skuid listened to your concern and has implemented your idea in the new Skuid Brooklyn (10.0.15) and Skuid Version Millau (11.0.5) release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.
