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  1. Two left buttons.

  1. Rendered or not based on this model having rows.

  1. Cancel button artifact

  1. New button artifact

  1. Element inspection

^^^^ bump ^^^^

Happened again.

This is because of the border of the button.

when a button is shown and dynamically conditions make it disappear, not all the styles are gone (some classes still apply)

In my case was a extra class in the button:

<div class="nx-pagetitle-action ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only buttonred" role="button"><span class="ui-button-text">Cancel order</span></div>

buttonred is a class to show the button in red

When showed the html code is the above one, but when dynamically hidden the code is:

<div class="nx-pagetitle-action buttonred" style="display: inline-block;"></div>

and not the standard not shown button :

<div style="display: none;"></div>

I just had to add a css rule to solve that:

.buttonred:empty { display:none!important; }

I think you are using standard styles , so maybe

.nx-pagetitle-action:empty { display:none!important;}

works for you.

warning: :empty is a css3 selector if your browser does not support it… please, update your browser…


.nx-pagetitle-action:empty { display:none!important;}

Removes completely a button if its hidden dynamically.

Also, It solves the extra white space if you are showing the buttons vertically:


(in blue the extra margin (or padding or both) and the button with border hidden)

After (with the css rule applied)

Thanks Pablo.  That is a great workaround.  But essentially Pat’s report is a bug. I’ll document it for our devs. 

