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Components not showing after upgrading to version 7.27.1

When I click on a page nothing is showing up.

Andrew, this may be a caching issue. Can you do one or both of the following: 
1. Logout of Salesforce and quit your browser and reopen.
2. Hit “Command+Shift+R” to force the browser to refresh all JavaScript and CSS files used to request the page.

Hi Zach, Unfortunately that did not solve the issue. Please see the image below.

<<Image Removed at Andrew’s Request>>

Is there only a particular component that is not working, or all components? Is it just this particular tab in your page, or all tabs?

All components are not showing up under all tabs. 

Can you grant login access to Skuid Support and email us a link to this page as well as your org id / name of org where this is happening?

What components do you have in these tabs? Page Includes, or specific components?

I have grant login access and send an email with my org ID and where the issue is happening.

Some components we have in those tabs are Chatter Feed, Tab Set, Field Editor we also have page include. Thanks

Andrew, after examining your page, the issue is coming from JavaScript code in your page, not from Skuid. I sent you an email about how to adjust your JavaScript to fix this issue. For others’ benefit, if you’re experiencing problems with your Skuid Pages and you’ve got custom JavaScript written in those pages, do a quick check of the JavaScript Console on that page (Command+Shift+J in Google Chrome) to see if there are any errors coming from JavaScript you wrote on that page.
