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Hi I have a responsive grid with 6 divisions, one of them is conditionally rendered. I cannot seem to remove the extra spacing when it's not rendered.

<a href="#PersonalInfo">INTRODUCTION</a>

<a href="#EducationCertificationSet">QUALIFICATIONS</a>

<a href="#WESet">CAREER HISTORY</a>

<a href="#Infinity">INFINITY</a>

<a href="#Closing"> ACTIVITY</a>

<a href="#Notes"> CANDIDATE NOTES</a>

var params = arguments[0],
$ = skuid.$;

return false;

How about now?

You have all 6 divisions set to flex ration of 1. I switched the one to “fit to content like so”

<a href=“#PersonalInfo”>INTRODUCTION</a>

<a href=“#EducationCertificationSet”>QUALIFICATIONS</a>

<a href=“#WESet”>CAREER HISTORY</a>

<a href=“#Infinity”>INFINITY</a>

<a href=“#Closing”> ACTIVITY</a>

<a href=“#Notes”> CANDIDATE NOTES</a>

var params = argumentsb0],

$ = skuid.$;

return false;


Try changing the Division Behavior to “Fit to Content” on the division that has the conditionally rendered template.


Thanks very much for the quick reply!! It’s very helpful.

Happy to help! 
