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I believe this topic has been brought up before, but wanted to see if there were any new developments.

Is it possible to “collapse” columns in a table? For instance a Mass Action button that would Hide/Show columns in a table, possibly by conditional rendering? 

Or, is the only workaround to have two tables and have a button to conditionally render them?

As far as I know Ben,

It’s still not possible to conditionally hide/show a column in a table.

From what i read on other posts, they are working on this for a future release

For now the only workaround I know of, depending on case use, is either multiple tables as you mentioned or Merge Syntax { #field}} {{/field}} {{^field}} {{/field}}.

but second option only good for specific cases (if field not blank, show xyz, if blank, show ABC or nothing)

Thanks Dave. I took the multiple tables option and set the rendering conditions. Appreciate the reply - this would be a great feature to have in future releases, and I’m sure they have a million others they are working on.
