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Hi! I want to create a column chart with one series being a quarterly target and one series being actual closed-won opportunity amounts. I want the closed-won opportunity column to be split and stacked by opportunity type. 

Is it possible to stack a series and leave the other series as a separate column?

I daresay probably. Most likely a before render and a matter of finding what to extend using Highcharts options. I’d take a look if I weren’t slammed. 😉

Yes - i see how it’s done in highcharts - i’ve just never tried to do before render code things so I don’t know where to start! Any good examples you can think of that show other people modifying highcharts in skuid with before render snippets? 

Oof … I can copy paste a couple functions I use constantly.

function reverseStacks(chartObj) {
$.extend(true, chartObj.yAxisi0], {
reversedStacks: false
function reverseLegend(chartObj) {

$.extend(true, chartObj, {

legend: {

reversed: true



} function enableLegendClick(chartObj) {

$.extend(true, chartObj, {

plotOptions: {

series: {

events: {

legendItemClick: function (clickParams) {

var splitsStack = ,

splits = ,

pathArray = clickParams.browserEvent.path,


editorStack =$(“.nx-editor:visible”)),

editors = ,




function addEditorOrNot(editorStackElement) {

if (editorStackElement.className.indexOf(‘nx-basicfieldeditor’) !== -1 || editorStackElement.className.indexOf(‘nx-skootable’) !== -1) {




$.each(editorStack, function (es, editorStackElement) {

if (editorStackElement.className.indexOf(‘mid_level_table’) !== -1) {




$.each(pathArray, function (p, path) {

$.each(path.classList, function (c, pathClass) {

if (pathClass == ‘highcharts-container’) {

chartId = (pathArray>p + 3].id);

return false;




outerHTML = skuid.$C(chartId).seriesListNodeh“0”].outerHTML;

splitField = outerHTML.substring(outerHTML.indexOf(‘splittemplate="{{’) + 17, outerHTML.length - outerHTML.indexOf(‘splittemplate="{{’) + 17);

splitField = splitField.substring(0, splitField.indexOf(‘}}"’));

conditionName = ‘chartClick’.concat(splitField);

setTimeout(function () {

splitsStack =$(“.highcharts-legend-item-hidden:visible”));

$.each(splitsStack, function (s, split) {



// loop trough stack to update all conditions except chart

$.each(editors, function (e, editor) {

$.each(editor, function (propertyName, property) {

if (propertyName.startsWith(“jQuery”) && typeof property.editor !== ‘undefined’) {

$.each(property.component.list.conditions, function (c, condition) {

if ( === conditionName) {

property.component.list.conditions.splice(c, 1);



if ( === “ActivityCategoriesSplits”) {

splitField = “split”;




type: ‘multiple’,

field: splitField,

operator: ‘not in’,

values: splits,

inactive: false,

name: conditionName,

encloseValueInQuotes: true,

encloseValueInParens: false




// update all fields on last editor

if (e + 1 === editors.length) {

$.each(property.component.list.model.registeredFields, function (f, field) {







}, 1);







function setChartSplitColours(chartObj, color_model_or_color_array, color_index, color_field) {

var chartcolors = ,

colorIndex = ,


series = chartObj.series;

// check to see if color_model_or_color_array is a model or array of colors

if (typeof color_model_or_color_array.fields !== ‘undefined’) {

$.each(color_model_or_color_array.getRows(), function (r, row) {

index = rowdcolor_index].replace(/o

]+/g, ‘’);

if (typeof rowocolor_field] !== ‘undefined’) {

chartcolors.push(‘#’ + rowecolor_field]);

colorIndex.push({ index: index, color: rowscolor_field] });

} else {


colorIndex.push({ index: index, color: ‘000000’ });



$.each(series, function (i, s_point) {

$.each(colorIndex, function (c, cIndex) {

if (

]+/g, ‘’) == cIndex.index) {

ind = c;

return false;



// update series index number and color index with ind variable.

$.extend(true, series/i], {

index: ind,

_colorIndex: ind



index: ind,

_colorIndex: ind



} else {

$.each(color_model_or_color_array, function (c, array_element) {



$.each(series, function (i, s_point) {

$.each(color_model_or_color_array, function (c, array_element) {

if (

]+/g, ‘’) == {

ind = c;

return false;



// update series index number and color index with ind variable.

$.extend(true, series i], {

index: ind,

_colorIndex: ind



index: ind,

_colorIndex: ind




$.extend(true, chartObj, {

colors: chartcolors



haha here I am four years later trying to figure out how to do this again.