So, I’m building my own Recycle Bin.
I’m using the “Custom” component to build a dynamic model and a table that adopts the rows of a bunch of other dynamic models. I’ll paste the code below. The table has a row action which updates the IsDeleted field to false (trying to ‘undelete’ the row). When that action runs, the field value is changed in the model from true to false, but nothing is added to the model’s ‘changes’ and hasChanged still equals false. What might be going wrong here?
var element = arguments 0], $ = skuid.$,
$xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc;
var modelObjects =
'Patient__c', 'Patient_Case__c', 'Interaction__c', 'Abortion__c', 'Related_Person__c', 'STD_Test__c', 'Attachment', 'Reoccurance__c', 'Signature__c'];
var modelsXML = $.map(modelObjects, function(name){
return $xml('<model id="'+ name +'" limit="20" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" adapter="" type="" sobject="'+ name +'" orderby="LastModifiedDate DESC" doclone="" queryallrows="true"/>').append(
$xml('<field id="Name"/>'),
$xml('<field id="Id"/>'),
$xml('<field id="LastModifiedDate"/>'),
$xml('<field id="LastModifiedById"/>'),
$xml('<field id="LastModifiedBy.Name"/>'),
$xml('<field id="IsDeleted"/>'),
$xml('<field id="ObjectType" uionly="true" displaytype="FORMULA" label="Object Type" readonly="true" returntype="TEXT"/>').append(
$xml('<formula>{{$Model.'+ name +'.labelPlural}}</formula>')
$xml('<condition type="fieldvalue" value="true" enclosevalueinquotes="false" field="IsDeleted"/>')
var allModels = $.map(modelsXML, function(x){
return new skuid.model.Model(x);
var xmlDefinition = $xml('<skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="true" showerrorsinline="true" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="25" createrecords="false" model="RecycleBin" buttonposition="" mode="readonly" uniqueid="deletedItemsTable"/>')
$xml('<field id="Name" allowordering="true"/>'),
$xml('<field id="ObjectType" allowordering="true"/>'),
$xml('<field id="LastModifiedById" allowordering="true"/>'),
$xml('<field id="LastModifiedDate" allowordering="true"/>')
$xml('<action type="multi" label="Undelete" icon="sk-icon-add"/>').append(
$xml('<actions><action type="updateRow" fieldmodel="RecycleBin" field="IsDeleted" enclosevalueinquotes="false" value="false"/></actions>')
$xml('<massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true"/>'),
$xml('<views><view type="standard"/></views>')
var rows = r];
if (m.getRows().length){
$.each(m.getRows(), function(i,r){
var model = new skuid.model.Model();
model.objectName = 'Patient__c'; = 'RecycleBin';
model.fields =
{ id: 'Name' },
{ id: 'Id' },
{ id: 'LastModifiedById' },
{ id: 'LastModifiedBy.Name' },
{ id: 'LastModifiedDate' },
{ id: 'IsDeleted' },
id: 'ObjectType',
uionly: true,
displaytype: 'TEXT',
label: 'Object Type',
readonly: true
model.conditions =
type: 'fieldvalue',
field: 'IsDeleted',
operator: '=',
value: true,
state: 'alwayson',
encloseValueInQuotes: false
element: element,
xmlDefinition: xmlDefinition