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I’m receiving a blank page with the page title at the top when I try to edit one of my pages via the editor.

I’m receiving this error in the console: “Cannot read property ‘split’ of undefined”

I can access the page via the XML link but am unsure what caused the issue. It was working and then I refreshed and it stopped working. Not sure what change I could have done to cause this. Any ideas?


Not sure what caused your issue, but I’d suggest using the page versions to find the last autosave that works, and go from there.

Great idea Matt. I didn’t notice I could still access page versions. Restored to a previous version without the error and will proceed as normal. 

Glad you got it worked out.  Those dang javascript errors.  So tough. 

For what it’s worth, I’ve run into something similar before. I was trying to name a model, was stopped mid-typing by an error message because I had two models with the same name, then tried to correct the model name. This caused page errors when previewing the page, and when I refreshed the page editor, I got a similar JS error. Yuck! Moral of the story? Avoid typing in the name of another model when creating a new model. Not sure if it’s the same issue you were encountering, Craig, but it’s a weird kink in Skuid to watch out for.

Hi All - See item #3 in the post at….  It appears that there definitely at least a few issues that are causing page XML to fail during load in the builder. Seems related to the model properties.

The issue Emily encountered is similar in nature to what I encountered.  With that said, regardless of user input, my feeling is that Skuid shouldn’t encounter unhandled exceptions.  Instead, it should do type & value checking and handle fail gracefully with an error message.  I can envision an admin spending several hours on a page only then as a last step, change something and end up losing all that work because of a simple typo in a model name field.  Possibly something to add to the backlog 😉

I am facing this issue on a page that was last modified a month ago. It’s odd because at the time it was last modified, this error was not displaying. I rolled back to the earliest version I could, but am still seeing this error message. 

Any other ideas on how to troubleshoot?
