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i want to assign different skuid page to the different users. is this type of page assignment possible…?

Look at the help files here for all the ways we allow page assignments to occur. 

We do not currently allow assignments to be made to individual users. 

Thanks Rob for the response,

This functionality is important for me,
Is there any way to write code for this problem.

I am trying to do this using user licence ,i can provide licence only to those user whom i want to provide skuid view to. But i think this is not possible in the trial version of skuid. i have to show a demo to the higher authority before buying skuid,
Any help will be highly appreciated.


With a trial,  you are granted 5 licesenses that you should be able to manage as you see fit.  If you have followed the override tutorials correctly,  and applied licenses to those few VIP users -  they will see the Skuid pages,  and all other users will be directed to standard layout pages. 

What are you seeing? 
