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I’m trying to combine the progress indicator and @Thimo’s ‘better upload’ components under a single ‘community’ component pack. But I’m only getting the upload component to lead in the builder’s component list.

Here’s the builder manifest file:

{   "id": "community",
"id": "progress\_indicator",
"folderId": "plugincomponentsfolder"
"id": "better\_upload",
"folderId": "plugincomponentsfolder"
"id": "plugincomponentsfolder",
"name": "Community Components",
"icon": "sk-icon-component-pack"
"js": ]
"path": "progressIndicatorBuilder.js",
"resource": "plugincomponentpack"
"path": "betterUploadBuilder.js",
"resource": "plugincomponentpack"
"css": null

But this is what I see in the builder:

No Progress Indicator.

Here’s the component pack setup:

What am I doing wrong here?

Well, I abandoned this effort, so no worries about answering this one, folks.

Yes.  I tried to combine component packs and gave up too. 
