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Just noticed that on an ipad mini my account detail page is only rendering the first tab. The rest of the tabs are just showing up blank. The page is working fine on any computer, and even when I tested it out on the browser on my iphone. So I’m pretty stuck. We are getting some users tablets to have out in the field.

How do you ahve the page deployed?  Is it on SF1 or just in a mobile browser? 

If you hook the iPad up to a machine with a configuraiton utiltity are there any consol logs?  Any javascript errors?   (Try some of these: ) 

Finally - what version of skuid are you running? 

It’s just on a mobile browser. Skuid verson 7.19. However I just updated to 7.27 and am still having the issue. I’ll try to get the Ipad hooked up to look for errors but was having some trouble just now. 


Hello @ryan Denis , did you find any solution to this ?

I am also facing a same kind of problem using IOS devices … I tried to debug if there are any Javascript errors on the page and I found the error attached. I think it is an internal skuid error .

Sorry for the delay. Our users ended up getting Microsoft Surface tablets instead so I put this issue on the back burner. Don’t have the ipad right now but will check later to see if I’m still having it. 
