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There is a new action type- run apex action. Can you provide some documentation now how it can be used? I cannot find anything on this. Thanks.

Also looking for this.

And the corresponding skuid api please.

Buff…  more documentation for sure. 
But here is a whilff… This option in the action framework will integrate with any custom  Apex Invocable actions.  If you have any of these in your org they should be returned once you select that action.  

More information on custom invocable actions here:

Yup. I’ve the Apex action showing up, but one of the inputs is a blob (file), so … how do I provide this?

For Run Custom apex action, we have Action Type field so I wished to know how this dropdown field is getting the values…
is it getting all the methods which have been annotated with @InvocableMethod ?

We need some more documentation on this please. I can’t find a thing with any useful detail!


Hi guys,

Our documentation team has added more documentation about Skuid and Apex here, and you can specifically see details about the Apex data source action here
