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Hey, I am trying to use Skuid for SF and getting this error message when attempting to upgrade. Any suggestions?

This app can’t be upgraded. There are problems that prevent this package from being installed. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

Trent, what edition of Salesforce are you using? i.e. Enterprise, Professional?

Organization Edition Enterprise Edition

Well this is the full error we get via email from SF, Just hid the org and user details

Your request to install package “Skuid Skuid Millau (11.0)” was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your organization was affected.

If your install continues to fail, contact Salesforce CRM Support through your normal channels and provide the following information.



Package: Skuid (04t4A00000042DG)

Error Number: 1985423841-197099 (1749185787)


Your request to install package “Skuid Skuid Millau (11.0)” was unsuccessful. None of the data or setup information in your organization was affected.

  1. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    AppManifest: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  2. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    BasicComponent: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  3. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Resources : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ComponentPackDef: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Resources : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  4. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ComponentPackService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  5. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    DemoDataSource: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  6. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    FeatureFlags: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  7. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    IncludePanel: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  8. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    LabelsService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  9. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    MetaService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  10. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Model: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  11. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ModelComponent: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  12. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ModelDataSource: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  13. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Navigation: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  14. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    PageBuilder: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  15. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    PageService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  16. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Personalization: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  17. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Proxy: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  18. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RemotingStubs: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  19. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Resources: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  20. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RestServices_Model: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  21. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RestServices_Page: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  22. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SAMLBearerAssertion: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  23. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Proxy : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SalesforceInLightningAuthProvider: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Proxy : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  24. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Model : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SearchRequest: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Model : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  25. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidHeaderIncludes: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  26. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidInstallScript: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  27. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidLightningController: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  28. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidPage: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  29. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidReCrypt: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  30. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidSettingsController: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  31. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidponentImpl: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Featu

Trent, thanks for reporting this — we have an open case with Salesforce Support to get to the bottom of this. We have not been able to reproduce this error in our own internal testing of package installation. We’ll let you know if we can get any more insight on this. 

Hello Trent, 

We have been working with Salesforce Partner Support on this issue. If you are ready to make the upgrade, would you mind trying to update to 11.0.1 again and let us know the results? 

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade. Please let us know if you continue to encounter any problems with this issue after upgrading.

Still the same issue

This app can’t be upgraded.

There are problems that prevent this package from being installed.

Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBusAppManifest: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

I’m having the same issue in a Professional Edition Sandbox in an attempt to upgrade to 11.02

Hi Nosa,

Which Salesforce instance is your org on? Since Salesforce released their maintenance patch 14.1, we had not heard of any further installation issues like this. Would you also please share the error you encounter when trying to install?

The org is on instance CS23.

Full error below:

Package: Skuid (04t4A00000042Dp)

Error Number: 662164343-62073 (1803862750)


  1. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    AppManifest: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  2. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    BasicComponent: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  3. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Resources : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ComponentPackDef: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Resources : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  4. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ComponentPackService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  5. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    DemoDataSource: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  6. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    FeatureFlags: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  7. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    IncludePanel: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  8. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    LabelsService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  9. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    MetaService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  10. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Model: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  11. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ModelComponent: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  12. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    ModelDataSource: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  13. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Navigation: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  14. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    OAuthProxyController: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  15. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    PageBuilder: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  16. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    PageService: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  17. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Personalization: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  18. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Proxy: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  19. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Queue: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  20. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Redirects: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  21. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RemotingStubs: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  22. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    Resources: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ModelDataSource : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  23. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RestServices_Model: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.RemotingStubs : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  24. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    RestServices_Page: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  25. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SAMLBearerAssertion: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  26. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Proxy : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SalesforceInLightningAuthProvider: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Proxy : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Ui : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  27. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Model : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SearchRequest: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Model : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  28. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkooCal: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  29. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkooTable: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

  30. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

    SkuidHeaderIncludes: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidponentImpl : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidPage : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.ComponentPackService : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.FeatureFlags : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.SkuidInstallScript : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.AppManifest : Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation:

    Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void

Nosa, which version of Skuid did you try to install? There is a brand new maintenance release of Millau 11.0.3 just out today that I’d recommend trying to install, if you are specifically looking for the latest Millau release. You may also consider trying the most recent release of Brooklyn (10.0.13), if it’s not critical to move to Millau at the moment.

Please note that Salesforce does NOT allow reverting to older versions of managed packages, so you will want to do this only in a non-mission critical sandbox first, to test all critical functionality. 

I’ll try both with Brooklyn being first. This client has been getting a weird PermissionsAPIEnabled error when trying to install anything higher than 9.5.9 in the sandbox so we haven’t been able to do any of the Brooklyn releases, but there is need for some Brooklyn functionality at least so I’ll try that.

Thanks, Mark!

To keep you updated, Mark, 11.0.3 gives me the same error.

10.0.13 installs but is unusable as I get the following error on any Skuid related page:

Invalid field PermissionsApiEnabled for PermissionSet 

An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (skuid)

Again, the Org I’m testing is a Developer Sandbox on Professional edition on instance CS23.

Hi Nosa,

That error message “Invalid field PermissionsApiEnabled for PermissionSet” may indicate that your org doesn’t have API enabled. (see here and here for more). Either your user profile or your org itself may need the API enabled. Can you take a look into this and let us know what you find?

Here’s some related document about how Skuid uses the Salesforce API:…

Correct, Professional Edition has no API access. According to this Knowledge article:

There may be applications on the AppExchange that are permitted for the Group or Professional Editions even though it states that it requires API. Those applications will require appropriate authentication to provide blanket API access. Please contact the Developer of the application to determine if this authentication has been provided.
This org will need to stay on 9.5.9 as we haven’t been able to find a solution to API Access outside of purchasing it as an add-on through SF.

Hello Skuid Community ~

Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion! Skuid listened to your concern and has implemented your idea in the new Skuid Brooklyn (10.0.15) and Skuid Version Millau (11.0.5) release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.

Hi Stephen …

Like the others I have just spun up a trial org for a client and received the following error

Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: Class skuid.Utils : Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void publish(List) from the type EventBus

Cant seem to install Millau 11.05?

11.0.5 can be downloaded here:
