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Problems finding files, editing, deleting

  • 2 August 2022
  • 3 replies


Kryon studio cannot find folders, edit or delete. Kryon only finds folders using the right path, without using the path by variable, Excel commands are also not working using variables such as path or sheet name, I have to enter the path and name of the sheet directly.



He finds it like this.


He doesn't think so.



3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +21
Por favor, pergunte em inglês!

I asked a question entirely in English, sometimes it must be your browser that is translating!

Hello mathprestes,


I am a Nintex Support Engineer. I have reviewed the issue that you have presented and attempted to recreate it in an identical system but I cannot replicate your issue. 



I have attempted to use the same names of the folder and variables to keep the differences as minimal as possible.


I suggest that if you are having issues with this, please escalate this by creating a case so that our engineers can assist further.


Kind Regards,

Richard Holt

Nintex Support
