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We have a botflow that we cannot stop. As you can see in the attached image, the status of the botflow is "Running". But if we try to Terminate/Pause, we get "The bot flow instance has stopped. Refresh the status page". However, the status never changes.


When connecting to the VM running the botflow, the botflow is not running, neither is the Nintex Bot window opened. We have also restarted the machine and stopped the Nintex Bot service. We have tried with unpublish this botflow and disabled the Bot in RPA Central, without any success. The botflow is still "Running".


The problem is that this botflow blocks other scheduled botflows and creates a huge queue.

Any suggestions? mean like what we've been seeing.  I haven't been able to tell if that's been preventing RPA from kicking off other bots or not, but possibly.  We seemed to start noticing it with 17.3, but can't be 100% certain.  We have a couple cases in with support on the issue, which I believe has been sent over to the dev team.

I should mention that the instances that "running" are still "running" after upgrading to 17.4/2.4.  I also couldn't locate my ticket with looks like I need to create one.  I'm speculating they'll need to crack open the database file and tweak a line somewhere.

Thanks, Devin. Please open a new case. I see one of your escalations but not one related to the instance that's stuck. Can you terminate that instance?

Done.  Ticket


I am facing the same issue here, running on 17.4.1 /  2.4.0.


A bot that has been running fine for 14 days, finished the botflow, but the central still lists it as running. 

No restart of Nintex Bot service on the machine or restart of the machine itself seems to help.


I have had the same issue a couple of times on earlier versions as well.

The workaround here has been to restart the Nintex Central service.

That has cleared the statuses and allowed us to continue running.

I will try to update to 17.5.0 / 2.5.0 to see if this helps.


Should I create a separate ticket for this for registration purposes?


Hope for a solution to this soon.

I just created a case for this as well..

Case Number: 00427385

Thanks, @merpa, I see the ticket. Is this only happening with a single, specific botflow? You may want to wait for a week or two to update as we are working on a new release.

Hi @michta,

Thanks for the information.


I am currently focusing on solving this through the ticket I created.
But for now we have found logs for the days around when the issue appeared here.

From what I see in the logs, it seems that shortly after midnight, the bot stopped replying to the central's requests for status updates. But as mentioned restarting the Nintex Bot service - or the machine itself does not fix the break in communication. A restart of the RPA Central service usually does the job.

There were also some errors mentioned in the logs around that time as well, but they are really not that readable as some of the other debugging messages..


The botflow it failed on this time runs for about 16 hours every day, so there is a possibility that it will always be the last one run when this issue arises..


The update has already been planned for later today - and seeing that 17.5.0 are now 5 weeks "old" without any hotfixes (as was the case with 17.4.0 / 17.4.1) I would think there was no harm done in running this for some time?


That is unless you can share some details regarding what issues you have addressed in the upcoming release, so I can evaluate what impact it may have on our setup?

Thanks for the additional detail. I would say move forward with the upgrade but attach the logs to the case if you haven't already. I'll let Sumit know that we've got this thread going.


Is there a chance that either the Bot or Central loses its network connection during the evening, or that the Bot machine restarts due to system updates? Any correlation information like that you can think of might be helpful.




You're welcome..


Logs were added to the case yesterday.


We went through with the update last night, and, besides an issue with requrements for certificates, all went smoothly.
The Central and bots are now correctly synchronized, as was expected, as the central service was restarted during this. This temporarily solves our issue, but I will reopen the case when/if this returns.


We have special update and power policies for our bots, so they "should" not automatically restart..

It is, however, a valid point, which I will look into again.

Network is generally considered to be stable here. However, the server and bots are located at two separate physical locations, in different countries, so there is a posibility that this may have an impact.. 


Until recently we have only had one bot active (separate, physical machine), but we are increasing our ressources and recently a new bot was added to the system (also a separate, physical machine), more are planned..

This gives me the opportunity to see if this issue is limited to only our first bot or if it wil also impact our new one.

Thanks for the update, keep us posted.
