
Specifiying locations for activities with roles of the same name but situated in different office location

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How is it best to go about specifiying a role location for activities in a process? For example, a Business Analyst in Canada performs activity A, then a Business Analyst in France performs activity B, and so on.

The role name is Business Analyst, should there be a responsibility for each of the locations? Should the location only be specified as a note? Should a role be created for each location (e.g. Business Analyst - Canada”, “Business Analyst - France”)?

5 replies

Userlevel 3
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In your scenario, that sounds like the best way to represent it if they have distinct functions.

Otherwise, you may use the role of Business Analyst and add notes to clarify, but this could make the process less usable, as individuals would need to go further into the details to see what is required of them.

Potentially if it is geographical, you could also look at regions, i.e. EMEA, APAC, etc.

Userlevel 5
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Hi @mjblanchet 
Did this solve your question? 

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So @BrettHutchinson , are you saying that using the responsibility function would be the best way? Or creating a role for each location would be the best way? (with 28+ locations across the world, that would be cumbersome for us).


Userlevel 5
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@BrettHutchinson Any feedback you could give here?

Userlevel 3
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Responsibility and role work the same functionally in Process Manager.

You will need to determine are the roles distinct enough that they need to be split geographically. You can always have one main role and then add country specific ones as well when needed. I.e. Have an Admin role that is assigned to some users, and a Admin - UK role that is also added to users in that location.

I would not create 28 roles unless there is a meaningful difference between what each person is doing. At Nintex for example, we operate globally, but much of what we do is aligned per region and country, so we do not break out or often use regional specific roles.

Another consideration, will you have 28 different process variations for each region? If that’s the case, then you may keep one role named Admin and then represent the activities for those locations separately within the variations.
