Hi @AnnaSTDC,
I believe this may be down to the way the treatment was set up. Can you please confirm how the treatment was set up, i.e. is the sign off regime set to “First only required to sign off”, or “All required to sign off”? Also, how was the accountability set up on the treatment (just for interest sake)?
Kind Regards,
Hi Mark
The treatment sign off regime is ‘all required to sign off’ and accountability is set to specific roles.
Hi @MarkduToit
Any advice you can add here?
Hi @AnnaSTDC,
When looking through the documentation it seems that this may be by design. There is a responsibility matrix that can be found here - Risk and Compliance Governance (nintex.com) which describes the Risk Portfolio Manager’s responsibilities (as well as others) and it seems to allude to the fact that signing off risk treatments falls into their remit i.e. if the risk falls into their portfolio in any way, they would have access to sign off the treatment.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Mark, I suspected this may be the case but thought it was worth mentioning for future consideration and to inform others that are facing the same issue. Thank you for looking into this.