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Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to pose this question, so apologies if it's not. I was wondering if the ability to create a parallel link between activities in a process variation is on the roadmap? Several times I have needed to make two activities parallel, but this feature is not available when the process has variations. Is there a timeframe to make this feature available please?

Thank you,


We have been raising these types of limitations also for quite a long time. So interested in the response you get.

I haven't tired it in a while, but there used to be a cheeky workaround for this - if you made the process with the parallel links/activities, then converted it to a variation it would let you get away with it.

Not a solution but a workaround if you really need it.

Thanks Damian, I'll keep that in mind for next time. 


Cheers, Zöe

Hi, I found this one in the improvement suggestions after I posted this. It's listed as being "planned", but was planned for release last year, so not sure where it's at now.


Cheers, Zöe
