I dont think you can link a process group from a process. You can however link process groups within a process group.
If you want to want to link a process group in order to show that all the processes within the should be triggered. It can be achieved by:
a) Create a process that connects all the processes within a group. Lets say, it is called MegaProcess.
b) Create a link to MeagaProcess from the process that you want to link to Process Group.
Hope that answers your query
Within a group overview you can link a process to a process group.
You can also grab a mini-mode link to a process group and include that in your process.
Thanks for your replys. I do use the process overview functionality to link process groups. The need I currently have is the linking of a process group within a process itself..... which it is looking like cant be done.
Hopefully this is something Promapp considers for future development. Im sure we arent the only ones who have had this need, as I have had it raised from multip[le individuals just within our organisation.
There is no way to link to a group in your process. The idea behind this is to give users one signle path to follow from one process to the next.
To raise this idea I would encourgae you to post it on User Voice where other people can review and vote on ideas.