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We are working on very high level maps that will eventually lead to more detailed maps. One activity we have listed is to "Administer the Contract". Is it possible to have the tasks be links to the more detailed process maps within Promapp? For example, one task/process that we complete to Administer the Contract is Conduct Site Visits which has its own map.



You can add a note to the task, and link your process to the note.  Notes have a handy "Add process" button that makes this very easy to do.


If I want to do something like this, I usually make the note something like "refer to process X for further detail.."


Hope this helps  🙂

Yes - you can definitely link processes as activities within another process.


When editing the process you want to create the link in, choose "Add Process Link" instead of "Add Activity". You can then search for and select the process to link. Once published, users can then choose to navigate to the linked process.


If you want to get fancy, you can also do "Add Conditional Process" (where you need to do the process sometimes) or "Add Decision" (where you have a yes/no decision point).

As the others have pointed out you have the options of:

  1. Adding a process using the 'Add Process Link' feature (next to the 'Add Activity' button when editing a process)

  2. Add a process within a Note


I would like to add to this and also mention the ability to edit a Process Group's map view. By default a Group will just have all the sub-Groups listed, you can edit this view to show the flow and relationship between the sub-Groups. At this level, you can also include a specific process.


Mentioning this because you did say you're working on very high level processes so this may be more applicable. 


Let me know if this isn't making sense. 


Tags: @FuentesJ3 
