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Hi, I want to show an activity that basically run during the whole process, like the ongoing monitoring of a particular element of the process while it’s running. Is there a way to show that in the map?

Hi @USalma,


I am not sure I understand the requirement entirely, but are you wanting to show that monitoring takes place during an entire sub-process within a larger process, or a specific activity within a process? Although not entirely correct, a way that you could represent that something happens based on certain conditions is to use the “Conditional” process link as per the below image:


This will only show up on this level i.e. the Process Group Level, and won’t be shown once one of the other process maps are opened. However, it could represent that the process below runs when the process above is triggered (being the condition).


Would that work for your requirement?


Kind Regards,


Hi Mark,

Yes! I like this idea! Ideally I would have liked it to show within my process map. However, given the limitations, I think this is a good workaround solution to show it at the process group level.

Thank you so much.

Warm Regards,



Hi @USalma,


That’s great news, glad I could help. This can also be done on the process level, but then the conditional process would be linked to a specific activity within that process and not the overall process. If this is the desired outcome, then you can most certainly achieve this one level down.


Kind Regards,

