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I have a nintex form based on a list in SharePoint 2016. This is what I want to accomplish,


I have a dropdown list (choice control). I have a label for the Title. I want the Title to change based on what the user selects from the drop down.


It is easy to do this using Workflow. But I want to do this dynamically within the form. As soon as the user makes a selection from the dropdown list, the Title should change.


How do I accomplish this? Thanks



Hi Mayank,


if you are using a responsive form you can use a rule to set the value of your label depending on the chosen value of the drop down. If you are using classic forms I think adding a piece of custom JS code would be your best option.


If you are not familiar with or not allowed to use javascript you could also do the following:


  • Add 1 label for each option of your dropdown

  • Create rules for every label to be hidden unlsee the corresponsing value in the dropdown is chosen


This should hide all labels except for the one corresponding to the current value of the dropdown control. However, this is quite a bad workaround as the quality of your form will suffer.





@guru2000 you can use the Calculated control instead of a label. Apply the same CSS class to calculated control as you have for the label. And make sure you calculate formula in all 3 modes.
