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I'm trying to extract part of a filename, everything after " - " and before the " .pdf ":

I'm using this expression:


It works, except that it always includes a " ; " at the end when I insert it into SharePoint.

How do I get rid of the  " ; "


With extract, the result is written to a collection. You have connected this collection variable to a SharePoint column. This is the reason for the semicolon at the end. Either you assign the 1st element of the collection to a single line text variable and store it in the list or you use the operation replace text instead of extract. Here the result is assigned to a single line text variable, which can be stored in the list. You can use ^[^-]*-(.*).pdf$ as pattern and $1 as replacement text.

Awesome, using the operation replace text and your pattern worked! Thank you so much.
