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Hi all,


Google has not been my friend on this.

I have a single list that I'm using Nintex forms to lookup previous entries for.

I have a single field that the user enters the search criteria (a username) and then several calculated value fields use a lookup formula to populate previously entered information.


If I'm targeting a single user in the list (via his username) that has multiple items added, is there a way to lookup the latest item?


My formula is 

If(isNullOrEmpty(RACF),"",lookup("UserDB","Phone_User", RACF,"PC_User"))

This brings works however brings up only the first entry for that user instead of the desired last item for that user.


In my head, my thought is to call the user and sort the last ID/date modifed entry.  I can't seem to get that to work....if that's even possible


I tried a method that calls on Item Child Count, which seems to be 0 for all entries


I just answered a similar post here:

The formula looks up all the items for a user and returns all the ID's.
You then look for the highest ID which would logically be the latest entry and knowing that ID then allows you to lookup what ever other column you want.

You are a legend!!!!
I came across some similar posts but was still trying to decipher how to get this result. Your post nailed it. Well done and THANK YOU!!!


The formula you provided was great and it helped me in few senarios . Is it possible to provide any custom message if there are no values matchich for our lookup condition?


Thanks for your help
