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I cannot see copy paste options in the Nintex form designer ribbon. 

Version: 8.3
SharePoint 2103 On Prim . 
What am I missing here. 
Thank you

Not to seem funny, but have you checked with more than one browser to see if there is something happening there? Its a tad odd that just those settings aren't showing at all. 


Are you using Responsive forms?

I checked on IE and Chrome and I don't see these options. I just started working on Nintex so I am not sure where on the ribbon these options appear. Under versions ?

Cut/Copy/Paste are not available on responsive forms



here you can see side by side comparison of classic and responsive forms, including presence/ miss of mentioned actions on ribbon

In a responsive 2016 form, how do I show a control further down the form, that the user had to fill in earlier in the form?
