Hi @Abhishekn
Just narrowing down the scope
1. You are not using List Lookups to create the Cascaded controls, right?
List Lookups controls are Dropdown List and Radio Buttons
2. Checkbox1 (Multi choice?) and Checkbox2 (multiple choice?). There are hardcoded, right?
3. Here is a possible solution. Use a Variable to store the value of Checkbox2.
Use this Variable in a Form Rule
Hope that helps
Hi Garrett,
Thanks for your reply,
1. Checkbox1 & Checkbox2 are the SharePoint List Lookup column form another two different list.
Having two supportive list
1. Group List
Group 1
Group 2
2. User List
User Name Group Name (Lookup from Group List)
User 1 Group 1
User 2 Group 2
3. Main List
Title User Name(Lookup from User List) Group Name (Lookup from Group List)
Test1 User 1 Group 1
Test2 User 2 Group 2
Now we are cascading these two column User Name & Group Name
and User name filtering based on the Group Name.
I want to persist the user name if respective group check box uncheck. User Name checkbox should be visible with checked.