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Hi All,

I am struggling with one of the requirements of my SharePoint Project. My requirement is as below:-


I need a Nintex form with the Input box where I can input the number, say "5"  and when I click submit button it should create 5 rows/ records in my target SharePoint list with all the fields duplicated, except ID which is basically created by SharePoint list as an unique IDs.

E.g. If I entered 5 in the input box then the SharePoint list will have 5 rows created with series 1,2,3,4 &5. I don't want to use Repeating section because my input box number value can go high up to 15 and for which repeating section is not a feasible option.


Any help on this will be really appreciated. Thanks.

You should be able to do this using the Loop action (and not the For Each action).


  1. Start by creating an Integer variable (named intItems) and set it to the value from the form of the number of items you want to create in the other list.

  2. Next add a Loop action and configure it as: Condition is "if any value equals value", Where "Workflow Data" intItems, is greater than, Value 0.

  3. Inside the Loop action, add and configure the create item action (i.e. "Create item" or "Create item in another site" action). 

  4. Then inside the Loop action and after the previous step, add a Math Operation action and configure it as: 

    • Calculation "Workflow Data" intItems

    • Minus

    • Value 1

    • Store result in = intItems

This should loop through and create the desired number of items in the other list. For example, if the user enters 5 in the form, the workflow would loop to create 5 items in the other list.

thanks @bamaeric Explore. Your solution worked very well for me. thanks again for your help
