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How can I show/hide panel from a Yes/NO Drop-down in Nintex form?  I want this to happen in real time and not when the user hits the submit button.  This is for SharePoint 2013.  I'm thinking this can be done with JavaScript but don't know how.  See Attached for the image.  When the scroll bar is on NO, the Grace Period Calendar shouldn't show unless they select Yes.  Can this be done?  I'm also down to change it to a check mark if that makes things easier.


hey @Unkindled_One ,


u can do this with a formula:


select " long?" and the date field and add a new rule (f.e. HideDate):





enter following rule:


OR(GracePeriod == "", GracePeriod == "No")


this will hide the DateField when GracePeriod is empty or has the value "No".

Hey @Aleximo ,


That works, but not for real time.  So if I go to preview and edit, if I select yes, the GracePeriod Date doesn't come back.  The user should be able to see it switch back and forth without hitting the submit button.

hey @Unkindled_One ,


could u provide some screenshots?


this works in real time as u can see in the following video (GIF):


Hey @Aleximo , it works, I guess I was testing in preview and when I decided to test live one more last time, it works.  I noticed my last message didn't go through but I wanted to say thanks.  Note to self, don't test in preview mode only, test the live thing.
