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When trying to pull Office Location and Job title using Query User Profile control and getting the below error. There is a thread on here touching this subject but the user's question was never answered. Not sure why getting this error. I've pulled information in the past. I'm using a people picker column. I've even tried building a string using domain and username and still getting error. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you


Error querying user profile. Invalid Windows credentials supplied. Credentials should be in a domain\usernameformat

@ctoper11 In Query User Profile what credentials are you passing? It's always the best practice to use a service account when using Query User Profile or Calling a Web Service action.

@kunalpatel thank you for your response. I first was using my own credentials (as that account A. has Site Collection Admin access as well as being the the farm group and B. does have access to be able to view AD items in our domain) we do have a service account that I normally use for workflows but that does not have access to view items in AD.

@ctoper11 it possible that you changed your password and you didn't update that in Query User Profile action?

@kunalpatel it looks like the formatting for the username was incorrect. I had my email in there rather than Domain/Username format. I was pretty sure I had it in there correctly but clearly not. You mentioning my password made me double check so thank you. My issue has been resolved thanks very much for your help
