Check if user already exist in a list for a date

  • 23 June 2022
  • 1 reply

I have a nintex form with 3 fields (Date, Classroom, Name) that save to an exam list. (Classroom and Name are select fields with values coming from another list).

Using this form, a teacher can register one of his student to an exam for a chosen date. But another teacher should not be able to register the same student for the same date, but only for another date.

How can I proceed to check and alert a teacher that his student is already registered by another teacher for the selected date?

1 reply

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@JHatza If I'm not mistaken then you're using Nintex forms! I never tried before but you can try below approach:


  • Add a panel and inside it add a list lookup control

  • Query the same list and using Student Name and Date value apply them as a filter

  • Apply formatting rule on the above panel to always hide

  • Add a calculated control and using "If" and "isNullOrEmpty" formula check if the list lookup control is empty or not. If it's empty then keep it blank value and if it's not empty then display the message that "student already registered for the exam on that day".
