*I am new to nintex workflow
I have a list which contains 2 repeating sections. lets call A & B list then, i need the items based on if its Yes then the required data will be populated in a C list (repeating sections). Lets say 5 data in List A but 4 yes then only 4 will be populated into 4 repeating section in C list.
I have done all the lists and so on. now down to workflow to connects the repeating fields.
I have created
Query XML to extract AXML repeating list but no idea how to extract BXML. so just trying A list first.
I have created the XPath, and want to get all the data which might contains RepeatingData1,RepeatingData2, and etc.
but it keeps showing 1 items infact should be 5.
pls help!
Data sample.
1Entity United States City Postcode Country