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The root of my issues with the repeating fields is the values not translating to XML correctly from my Nintex O365 Form. For some reason it's not capturing the tag name in the multi-line (plain text) field. This is what I am getting:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RepeaterData><Version>1.0</Version><Items><Item><_XHHR2gBRLmb type="System.String">sadcsd</_XHHR2gBRLmb></Item><Item><_XHHR2gBRLmb type="System.String">sdcsdcsdc</_XHHR2gBRLmb></Item><Item><_XHHR2gBRLmb type="System.String">sdcdscscsc</_XHHR2gBRLmb></Item></Items></RepeaterData>

When it should be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RepeaterData><Version>1.0</Version><Items><Item><Account type="System.String">sadcsd</Account ></Item><Item><Account type="System.String">sdcsdcsdc</Account ></Item><Item><Account type="System.String">sdcdscscsc</Account ></Item></Items></RepeaterData>

Account being the name of the column. Do you have any suggestions? For some reason the column name isn't coming over.

@rockroll That is expected behaviour when using new responsive forms, you should still be able to parse or make changes based on the ID(</_XHHR2gBRLmb>). What are you looking to do with the repeating section data?



Thank you for your reply! I wanted to use those values to populate a pdf using document generation. So those values will be used in the workflow.

@rockroll You will need to use a query xml and collections to pull out the repeating section data as mentioned here(

Thank you for the info, as I have the workflow put together now. It's just what to do with the XML before I get it to the workflow. It sounds like I will need to parse and replace the weird value with the actual one, and then start with the document generation process.

What I did was use the system generated tag name in the workflow and it's working!, i.e. using _XHHR2gBRLmb


Thank you for your replies.
