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I have a list item: Offer Status: Values are Accepted, Declined or Sent.

I want my workflow to wait until the item is changed from Sent to Accepted or Declined....but I just cannot work it our in Nintex Online using either of the workflow WAIT actions......

Hi Michael,

In what context are you waiting for the change? e.g. is a workflow already running and you want it to pause to wait for a status change and then carry on?  If so you'd want to use something like the assign a task action which would prompt an assignee to select accepted or declined and then carry on based on what was selected.

The second method is when you want to start a workflow when a list item changes.  For this, you can use conditional start upon item change.  You'll find this in the workflow settings dialog:




I am not using Flexi Task, but a choice field in a form.The two Nintex Online "Wait" actions no longer provide the action required.

What I need is a method to pause the workflow until the Status field is changed from it's current choice, e.g. "Under Review" to aither "Approved" or "Rejected". With OnPrem this was easily achieved, but with Nintex Online, like most does not work!

Hi Michael,

That sounds strange.  The Wait for Item change actions both work as described on the packaging so I wonder if it's something else that is conflicting?

As a test, why don you create a list with a status choice field and then create a workflow that has the wait for field change in current item action set to one of the choice values and then log/send an email after that.  It should pause until you've changed it to the appropriate value and carry on.  In fact, I've just made what I described above just to check and it worked fine.

If that works, then it's got to be something else in the workflow logic or a conflict with a different workflow etc that would be causing it to fail.  Are there any error messages shown in the workflow status screen?



I have exactly the same issue with the OnLine Version of Nintex Workflows!. I have three sequential approval steps in the form and I am not using Assign a Task but have choice buttons designed into the form itself. Each manager has to open the form, and approve (or reject) their section before the worklfow moves to the next manager. So far in trying both Online Wait Until actions....I cannot work out how to do this.....

Hi Michael,

Can you share some of your workflow design? I'm able to trigger a workflow resume on change of a choice field in my own testing.

What specific format is the choice field out of interest? Does it allow multiple values?



I ended up having to created a parallel block with each of the status that could be selected. Using Nintex need to action item....Nintex OnLine requires six or more. If you have a better method....please let me know.Waiting for item change
