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I'm trying to add a red asterisks to fields that become required based on validation rules (why this doesn't happen already, I don't know). 


I'm using a label control and positioning it next to the label that will be required. 


The problem is, I only get a handful of options to choose from for colors and none of them are true red.



So I tried going the CSS route. I added a class to the label: 



I've tried everything below (one at a time) but nothing changes the color:


.red-star {

color: #ff0000;


background-color: */



I saw a few posts where people were changing the options of a drop down field so they used something like 


.red-star option-title="title].


So I tried


.red-star text

.red-star input


Nothing seems to work and I can't find a shred of documentation on this. Any help would be appreciated. 

Try to make a red asterisk in a word document and copy paste it in your nintex form.

So that actually works and will help me with my immediate needs. Seems like kind of a ridiculous workaround for a form builder like Nintex though. I'm curious if there's a way to do this the properly. 

Hmm, I'm wondering why this didn't work for you, as I've used it in the past and just tested your use case as well and it worked just fine, even in preview. Did you confirm that it doesn't work in actual view after publish? Sometimes the preview can be screwy. Also, where in the Custom CSS did you put your new class?

Sorry my form is a little ugly, this is my dummy "test ALL THE THINGS" form
