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We have a Nintex Form a user completes which is then routed for approval. We're unable to open certain attachments after submission. Normal PDF & Excel work fine BUT if I save an email as PDF I'm unable to open and receive an "HTTP Error 400. The request URL is invalid". I am able to open other PDFs with no issue. I tried in both I.E. and Chrome. I also tried saving as msg and adding msg as an custom accepted file type. file size is under the max file size I configured. My max is 7 mb and 103 kb.

Where are you trying to open the PDF ? Do you have a hyperlink on the form ?
Does your PDF being added as an attachment ?

@allan Thanks for the reply! I'm opening from the form. The PDF attachments open in a new window. As you can see in the screen shot the "normal PDFs" were fine (#1) but the email saved as a PDF throws the error (#2). However, your question about a hyperlink made me wonder if it's b/c there are attachments on the original email and somehow that is affecting the file when saved as PDF. I did some testing and tried attaching an email w/o attachments both as a PDF and MSG (I added as custom attachment type). I was able to attach the email files in both formats when they didn't have an attachments on the original email. I think that's the issue, any thoughts on how to work around this for my users (besides removing email attachments prior to saving)?

Okay, I think I finally understand.

My question is : how you generate your PDF from your email message ?
I tried on my end, by printing the message to a pdf file (using a PDF reader, such as PDFLite that installs a fake printer, for example).
I had no issue using a PDF file from a msg file containing an attachment on the new responsive form.
