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As we are migrating from On-Prem to O365, I have found that the Inline Functions are no longer available. As such, I am finding solutions within the workflow to enable similar functions. However, I am stumped on one particular Inline Function, fn-Length, and finding it's possible similar solution in O365. I am in need of knowing the length of a string. Any thoughts from the experts?

Hi Jeremy Weaver

What is the purpose of finding the length of the string? The inline functions have been converted to actions in O365.

  • Extract Substring from End of String
  • Extract Substring from Index of String
  • Extract Substring from Start of String
  • Extract Substring from Index with Length
  • Find Substring in String
  • Replace Substring with String
  • Trim String

These may help you. Let us know.


I did see those new functions and have used a few of them as a replacement for other inline functions. What I have in my current On-Prem workflow is a need to know amount of characters of two separate string inputs from the Nintex form. The character length is critical to know if a process is valid or not in our workflow. As a result, I need to know what I can use in O365 that will provide the same output.

In this case you can utilize calculated column within the list. Find the length of these strings and use this calculated column in your workflow. Would that solve the problem?


I guess I could try this. However, the string length comes from a grouping of other list items. Currently it looks like this....FPOL is the value for policy number, but the function is PN1PN2fn-PadRight(PN3,2)PN4. Each of the PN items are input values from the form that create a policy number. I then have a FPOL stringlength value that is fn-Length(FPOL). On the form, the end user inputs the PN1, PN2, PN3, and PN4 and based on these values, the inline function calculates the total character length. If the only route to complete in O365 is the LEN(Ecol]), that's more steps to add that I don't have to do in On-Prem. This other issue with this specific character length function is that I have the PadRight inline function as well that I need to understand how to do in O365.

Once the form is submitted, the same will morph to this:

=LEN(PN1&PN2&PN3&"  "&PN4)

This is only one step you have to take in the list itself. Try and see if this would work.

Sounds good. I will give this a try. Appreciate your help and insight.

We are having the same issue, and cannot use a calculated column with O365 Workflows.


We have date strings that come in. When the date is double digits, like May 11, they will be "11052021". However, when the date is single digits like June 8th, they come through as "8062021". We need change the latter so it is "08062021". 


An easy way (as we did onPrem) is to count the length of the string, and if it's less than 8, prepend a zero to it. 


Converting to a date (Australia English) keeps the date as a single-digit, and there's no place to specify the "ddMMyyyy" formatting (unless I'm missing something?). 


So in an O365 workflow how can we convert dates like "8062021" to 8 digits while letting those dates that are already 8 digits in length carry on as normal? Convert every "string" to an "int" and check that if it's less than 10000000 ?
