I am trying to test starting a workflow from another workflow but I am getting an error.
The workflow is very simple, when someone creates a new record in a list it kicks off the main workflow, the main workflow just logs to history that we are in the main workflow. I then call a second workflow that is part of the same list, that workflow simply logs to history that we are now in the nested workflow.
The error I am getting is:
Cannot contact site at the specified URL https://xxx.sharepoint.com/sites/ericr/Lists/Eric_NestedWorkflow/. There is no Web named "/sites/ericr/Lists/Eric_NestedWorkflow/_vti_bin/sites.asmx".
I have the following entered for the destination URL in the start workflow node on the main workflow: https://xxx.sharepoint.com/sites/ericr and I have my nested workflow listed for the workflow name: Eric_NestedWorkflow
Am i using the correct URL for the Destination site url? Let me know if any more information is needed, sorry if this is posted somewhere already, i searched but did not see anything.