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Good Morning Guys,


I am trying to solve a dilemma where 2 to 3 users are opening and saving form changes around the same time ultimately resetting some fields back to defaults - blank values.  Each user has a specific set of fields to action so trying to figure out a way to retain values for fields that aren’t applicable to a given user.

Field Rules are setup so that only applicable controls are enabled for a specific user.  My hope there was this would keep Nintex from writing values to the SharePoint List columns from the disabled fields.  Anyone have any magic in this regard or have another way of restricting what fields are saved when a certain user saves a form?

Another idea I had was creating a workflow to write to fields accordingly however not sure these would fire in time given the scenario i.e. User 3 will have hit save and User 1 & User 2 fields are now blanked out.


Welcome any thoughts and appreciate it.

Hi @sethro 


In this case I think the best option would be for you to break out those actions/fields and responsibilities into the workflow and handle them via task forms, that way the workflow will handle the returning back into Sharepoint its self and users wont edit the main item at all.


Sharepoint wont accept multiple inputs on a single SP list item, there is no incremental/partial update capability and all items are essentially version controlled.


If you need advice on splitting the form out into tasks please reach out to your Nintex account manager and see if we can assist you.


