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Hi. Is there any way to set a different value for each choice in my Choice field in SharePoint List?


I noticed this is how to set a value if the choices is from Nintext Designer not from SharePoint field:


 But when I try to do the same in List Settings of my field, it's not the way it works.



"Hi. Is there any way to set a different value for each choice in my Choice field in SharePoint List?"

Yes - Use a Choice control on the Form. Save to a SharePoint Text field

The form will show the choices "Apple, Orange, Coconut". The value saved into the SP field is "1,2 or 3" depending on what was selected.


You can set different scoring for use in a Quiz. Apple is worth 5pt, Orange is worth 20pt

Again the value saved into the SP field is "5,20 or 5" depending on what was selected.


This will save as the actual value - "Apple, Orange or Coconut"
