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Hi Team,


I have a SharePoint calculated column which is just a subtract of two number columns on List.

I have written a small nintex workflow where I am updating the column with some value and getting the Calculated column value.

But, the Calculated Column value is not updated inside the workflow, when I try to access the Calculated column  it still shows the original value.


Kindly suggest me, how can I get the update Calculated column value to set to a workflow variable.

Have you tried using the "Commit" action before fetching the calculated value?

Hi Ryan,

I have tried that, but still the calculation column was not updated. Please find below snapshot for reference.

Kindly suggest

I've just tried this myself and it worked fine.

Can you confirm you are using O365, as the interface looks like On Prem, not that this makes a difference, but I might move the discussion.

In your list, are you outputting the correct  data-type for your calculated column and variables?

Workflow history shows the change in my calculated column

Set Variable 1 with calculated column value, then log to history list, update value 2, set variable 2 with calculated column value and log to history list.

Item in list after workflow has run

I  haven't tested this to see what results I get, but can you try the Update Item action to see if it makes any difference over the Set Field action?  If you showed the configuration of your  actions it might reveal the issue as well.


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I am using On-prem Nintex workflow, not O365.

When I create the new item and give values to both the fields(number fields) the calculated values are shown correctly as below.

But, When I try to update one column using Nintex workflow the calculated values are not shown correctly as below.

Where Differecnce in Dollars & Difference in Percentage are calculated columns. Please find below whole workflow action.

Hi Mke, I tried to update the item first, instead of set field value but that didn't made any difference. Here is the full workflow.

What's your calculation and what types of values and variables are you passing in?

The #DIV/0! looks like it's a calculation error. It looks like the values being passed in aren't correct. Have a look, confirm that your variables are passing in numbers and not some other value. 

Encountered similar issue. I used query list to get the value of the calculated column of the current item that the workflow is running on and it worked! 
