I believe you are looking to change the reply to address in central admin. See here for details: Global Settings
Let me know if that helps!
Thank you for the reply.
I checked your URL, but it looks like a configuration for SharePoint on-premise? I'm looking for O365.
After more testing, I found that Import/Export was not related, but it was related Nintex Lazy Approval setting. Sent from address is:
- reply@workflownotification.com: with Lazy Approval ON. (Yes Approver can reply, because of Lazy Approval.)
- no-reply@sharepointonline.com: with Lazy Approval Off
I believe that this is Nintex (workflownotification.com) and O365 (sharepointonline.com) default setting, but is there any way to update the sent from address on O365?
If this is controlled on O365 and no way of updating it, I also would like to confirm.
Thank you!
My bad, I didn't realize this was posted in the o365 forum, but indeed you are correct (once upon a time we needn't worry about such things..hehe) Let me see if I can track down correct info that pertains to your case.
To add on, it's not only related to the Lazy Approvals, in my experience. In the email config, you can select "Internal" or "External with Attachments" and if you select the latter, you always get reply@workflownotification.com whereas the internal are always no-reply@sharepointonline.com .