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I need to move documents from one library to another (with folders) within the same site.

The workflow only has the action "Office 365 send document to repository". The error it gives me is:


Both the user initiator of the WF, and the user who created the connection have full control on the site.



Hola Mirian:

Creo que tu URL esta mal. Deberia ser hasta ...Shared Documents/

Gracias. Pero el resultado es el mimo

Hi Mirian

"Destination Site URL" must include the URL up to the site name and not the full item url as you have there. 

Also ensure you have enabled the Site Feature "Workflows can use app permissions" that will allow workflows to read from and to write to all items in this site.

If you still con't come right with this action, you can try using "Copy Documents" action to copy the items to the required folder in a destination library and then use "Delete Item" to remove it from the source library.

Hi Nanette,

I want to copy a document from one library to another in the same place. I modified the URL as you told me and now it gives me another different error.

I have the content organizer activated on the site (although by now without rules)

With the "copy document" action Can I copy one of a folder inside a library to another folder within the same library?  as I've seen, copying a document does not let you specify folder on destination.

With the Action of copying document, do we keep the version history ?

