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I am getting an access denied error like below when my workflow is kicking off automatically (when the item is modified) the workflow does not run into this error when the workflow is started manually and runs into an error stating access denied (error below)


I am a SharePoint Global admin and site collection administrator for the site in question where the list resides. I also placed my account in the site owner and members group and still run into the issue. Checking my permissions against the list I have contribute access and can add/edit items. 


Again the workflow runs correctly and without issues if started manually it only runs into this issue when it is started when modified - need to have the workflow kick off automatically.





Activity in progress

Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled after 11/5/2020 12:32 PM. Details of last request: HTTP Forbidden to https://OMITTED/_api/web/lists(guid'e16626b2-0aea-4c03-8fea-f4eb33cb2f67')/Items(2)?%24select=ID%2CTitle Correlation Id: af63a0a6-bcbb-aaa1-a435-c3b68a9808da Instance Id: 0dc0f85c-80ea-4ae3-a2c9-cfd7cf43d98d

Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.
Retry now



Do you see the same issue with SharePoint designer workflows?
The reason I ask is because it looks like the error is coming from SharePoint and not being caused by Nintex.
