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Hello Tomasz,


In relation to the "add date to Time" I'm trying to do a workflow where based on a column in the library for example

Expiry Date, I want to assign a task 3 months before the Expiry Date is due, would I add a variable plus_90_days and use this as the Date (5th down on he action)?

What would you use for Output as date?


Kind regards




I don't think I understand. In Nintex you can only assign a task at time of a workflow execution. You cannot assign it for the future. That sort of thing you could achieve if there was a "scheduled" option for Site Workflows in Office 365 (which is not there yet, however there are several workarounds).  



Sorry Tomasz if I have not made it very clear,

I would like to create a workflow to start based on a date column.

for example we have a certificate which has an expiry date  which we will put the expiry date into a column within the document library.  I would like the workflow to send a notification to a member of staff 3 months before the certificate date was due to expire.

Doe that explanation help?

Kind regards


Ok, that is clear, but again - how do you want to trigger the workflow 3 months before the date? Remember, the list workflow can be triggered only on item creation or update.

Again - what you want to achieve is done using the Site Workflow and the scheduling functionality, which unfortunately is still not present in Nintex for Office 365...

So in big picture:

  1. You have a list with certificates, each record has its "due date"
  2. You would like to have a workflow, that queries the list, to get all items, which "due date" is equal today's date + 90 days.
  3. For each such record you would like to send notification, assign a task, somehow handle the reminder.


Then this is really the scheduling case  Search the forum, there were at least 3 solutions I am familiar with:

  1. A site workflow running infinite loop, pausing for a day.
  2. A "hybrid" of Nintex Workflow Cloud workflow that can be scheduled, which is triggering site workflows in O365.
  3. A 3rd party such as Plumsail.




So I understand what you are trying to do but I think the option you are looking for is actually a SharePoint option rather than a Nintex one.  You are trying to provide a Reminder 3 month before a due date is reached.  You would do this using the Information Management policies on the Library.  Essentially go to Library Settings > Information management policies.

You are going to set up an Expiration policy in the guise of a retention policy for the documents in the library.  You can create a column called Expiry date.  You can then set up an expiration policy that kicks off 3 months before the date (Or you can make the column reminder data and kick off the expiration on that reminder date).

In terms of the rules you set up you can then kick off a workflow to remind you to update the document.

The benefit of this approach is you dont have to have long running workflows waiting for a document to expire / or to write a daily routine that might need to iterate through many documents.

Hope this helps otherwise drop me a message and I can help you set it up


Very wise solution! This is real example of "think-out-of-the-box" 

Hello Craig,

Thank you, it sounds like this would work.

I will have a look at this as I've not really worked with retention on documents yet, so a little unsure what I need to do.

I have had a quick look at the process for this and think it will be okay, I think we as a business need to look at where the documents are moved to.

You mention a Workflow as a reminder to update the document, how would you do this as Nintex Workflows are Manual, created or modified? that I would be interested in.

Thank you

Claire Allen
