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Is there a way to configure quick step to start specific Nintex list workflow in Office 365?

Any pointers to achieve this are welcome


I think you can copy-paste the URL you have when you try to start a workflow manually. I think it contains listID, itemID. Then you can use it as a link somewhere you need.

But, I have not texted such solution myself You can also provide some more information about the use case



We have dozens of documents for which we need to start specific workflow. ( In most cases there is only one Nintex workflow in a list )

Office 365 does not have conditional start unlike on premise.

Intention is to save a few clicks and improve productivity.

You can use: nintex workflow rest api‌ ( You just need to request for API KEY generation and have the O365 account (@(your_company]

Thanks so much Tomasz ........Do I need to contact Nintex support for it?

Yes, you have to request for the API KEY: GetAPIKeyURL.htm%3FTocPath%3DNintex%2520Office%2520365%2520API%7CUsing%2520the%2520Office%2520365%2520API%2520for%2520Workflows%2520and%2520Forms%7C_____3 and then you need to build your workflow  I can help you after you obtain the KEY.
