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Anyone else having issues?

This isn't exactly a new issue, Query XML has always been a problem and where possible I've tried to design it out of workflows.

I have a couple of workflows today, different tenants, both of which have ground to a halt without any error (status = Started) and through logging I know they are at Query XML actions.

One has 6 Query XML actions to get through and is currently at 3.5 hours since reaching that point!

Edit to add: my workflow just finished, 6 Query XML actions = 4 hours!

Yesterday Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint were having major issues world wide.
Here's one article that goes into the details:

These issues are still ongoing. Workflows running for hours.

It seems that the issue is not just Query XML but potentially also other Nintex Live actions (O365 Query User Profile etc.).

I worked with support on this one and ultimately a degraded service was identified in the Nintex Live infrastructure...once that service was restarted things immediately returned to normal.
