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Office 365 update item permissions does not work according to nintex help document.


I have a SharePoint group (SPO-PayrollSubmitters)with customized “Contribute No delete” permission on list level and site level, and I stopped the inheritance on the site level.

This group contains all employees.

I’m trying to remove SPO-PayrollSubmitters' existing permission(Contribute No delete) on any individual submission, then just give the current submitter/initiator proper permission but no matter how I use the two fields  “Remove existing permissions” and “Permission”  it constantly stop the Office 365 workflows with error "Details of last request: HTTP NotFound "!


According to Nintex help document, I expect to be able to remove all permissions on the request #ID and then add my own desired permission ,the scenario below. but It doesn't work.

Thank you,


  1.          Remove SPO-PayrollSubmitters all permissions on the item #ID.
  2.          Just give the current submitter customized "Contribute no delete" permission. (I run tasks under elevated app permissions by using action set)
  3.          Give payroll and development teams "Contribute no delete" permission. (Customized permission as they are not supposed to be able to delete any items)



At the end of workflow,

  1.          Remove submitter’s existing permission (Contribute no delete)
  2.          Give submitter/initiator read permission
  3.          Delete Payroll and Development’s teams current permission (: Contribute no delete)
  4.          Give these two SharePoint groups (payroll and Development) just read permission.


Were you able to resolve this? I've got exactly the same problem at the moment.
