Hi Jodie,
Jup, you can do that. I would have thought of regEx too but if they don't work you can first replace "/" with "" (nothing) and save that to a variable. Afterwards cut the first 8 characters from the variable string to get rid of the time and only leave the date left. In my sample I did the same with dots instead of dashes because it's German time format.
Sorry for my tenant being denglish.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Your regex would be something like
This should remove all special chraracters.
Hi Jody, did either of these responses work for you?
Hi Mike,
The first one didn’t work for me so I ended up trying something else that worked. However I had not seen the second response so I will give that a go
Kind regards,
Jodie Steel
SharePoint Administrator
National Pharmacies I National Support Office
52 Gawler Place, Adelaide SA 5000
T - 08 8223 0445 E - jsteel@fsma.com.au<mailto:jsteel@fsma.com.au>