Nintex Forms Connecting Controls is not available for a specific column name with a "%" in it

  • 9 September 2016
  • 6 replies

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On Nintex Forms, the Connecting Controls is not available for a specific Column Name with a "%" in it. Is there a reason these columns are not an option to connect to and the rest of them are? This is in relation to creating a Nintex Form from a Sharepoint and trying to connect to columns. Every other column from my SharePoint show up, even the ones with "?", but the "%" columns are not available.

6 replies

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I tested with such a column and it works :

Do you see your column in List Columns" fields section ? :

Badge +2 "%" signs are at the start of the title and at the end of the title...for example:

"% IT" and "Risk %"

Every other column comes through in the list except for these. I'm wondering if it is because of the % placement? I've looked all over Nintex online and cannot find anyone having a similar problem.

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Tried your example: workfs for me.

Maybe try with another browser ?

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Another possible cause : did you create your SharePoint column manually or programatically ?

Cause when created manually, SharePoint automatically replaces the name "% IT" by "_x0025__x0020_IT" for internal name.

If you created the field programatically, maybe the "%" char is not converted then not supported....

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Thank you very much for testing this out!! Really appreciate it!

The sharepoint was setup manually I believe. Another thing I found yesterday which may help explain this whole mystery was that the column format has to be a "single line of text". See snip it below:

These two columns in my SharePoint are coded as a "number". I'm thinking that is why I could not connect them? I'm still trying to figure exactly the meanings of ID Connected To and Text Connected To and how they are different, but I'm wondering if that's why they aren't showing up. Any thoughts??

Badge +7

Right !

if you try to connect a control with a SharePoint colum, it will only show you columns of the same type.

So probably the fact you can't see your "% IT" column has nothing to do with the % char.
