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I have a new responsive form that used a lookup function to return a person field from another list when a user selects a role from a dropdown. The lookup function is part of a form variable's formula. I know the function works because when I set it to return a text or date field from the same source list, the value is returned as expected. However, when I set it to return the intended person field, no value is returned at all. This same function works fine in the classic or previous responsive form, but not in the new responsive form. Can a person field not be returned by the lookup function in the new responsive form or has the syntax for that type of field changed for these new forms? Right now I am attempting to return the person field using the same syntax as any other type of field "[name of field to return]" as the 4th parameter in the lookup function - lookup("list to query", "field to query on", "filter value", "name of field to return").


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.

Person fields are currently not supported in the lookup function, you can find the current limitations here(

@EuanGamble Any news on this topic ?
It still not supported even if this is a must-have feature ?

 Hi @allan 

Here is a message from Euan


@Garrett Thanks, that explains a lot ;)

Hi @allan 

Can I ask what is it that you are trying or want to accomplish? 

This is with the O365 New Responsive Form, right?


Hi @Garrett 
just trying to accomplish this : 
It’s really striaghtforward, I just want to retrieve the email of a people field from another list in the New Responsive Form.


Hi @allan 

As stated, the lookup function doesn’t work on People field. It work great with text field.

I understand the return value from the function.


In your “MyList” list, just create another text field “”MyEmailField” which has the email address in plain text format. then your function can just be

Lookup( “MyList”, “ID”, 1, “MyEmailField”)


Hi @Garrett ,

Sure, it will solve my problem, the issue is that it will take another workflow just to extract the email from the people field.

When your client is still on the old license model, it takes one more workflow. If they are on the new license model, it takes one more execution out of the 10 000 included evertyime you need to change it, which is stupid just to extract an email.

As you stated, the workaround is straightforward, but still it’s been 3 years at least since the issue was identified and nothing has been done on the subject. I am not looking for a workaround, I’m looking to use a product that works :)
